Locomotor rehabilitation, Budapest, XX. kerület 3 clinic (21 Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor)
Description, questionsManual Therapy, Budapest, XX. kerület
The manual therapy based on natural science-based diagnostic and treatment methods. Mainly by hand, the resulting serial mozgásszervrend- lesions, previously or newly formed pain, disability alleviation, elimination purposes (eg .: sprains, neck, back and low back pain).
Yoga, Budapest, XX. kerület
All the practice of yoga is working both physical, mental, spiritual, and energetic level. The therapeutic effect it exerts its best when used in the right way to exercise in a variety of cleaning practices asanas, breathing exercises, mudrákat, mantras and meditations, and takes the necessary changes to our lifestyle.
Rheumatological Examination, Budapest, XX. kerület
Rheumatologists deal with the spine, discs, bones, joints and the surrounding ligaments, tendons, muscles diseases. The rheumatic diseases are called. inflammatory (autoimmune or metabolic origin) arthritic diseases, degenerative joint diseases, and spinal pain conditions as well. Rheumatology deals with the management of osteoporosis.